Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Life's Destination

Life’s destination

Ever notice vacation always ends where it began?
Never really accomplishing, but really just noticing
Noticing that which is not permanent
Not for us anyway

Ever notice opportunity knocks when we don’t want to answer?
Never really revealing itself when WE find it fit
Finding us when we’re most content
At least that’s what we think

Ever notice all the tears when you leave a soon-to-be former home?
Only to be dried up and forgotten when we find our way
Our bags become closets and our travel becomes home
Our destination is now our life

Destination becomes extended vacation
Destination happens often at our inconvenience
Destination is never what we choose to be
But through it, we’re shaped to be who we become

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, and for changing the color scheme. Much easier to read!
