Saturday, January 30, 2010

Two days until class

There are two days until class starts and I don't know how to react. I've never been a mature student. That doesn't mean I wasn't a good student or intelligent. No, it simply means my time, my attention span, and my priorities were not those of a mature person. As a married man who left a career behind, I give myself a pep-talk everyday about being a mature student. I understand more the importance of time management and the understanding of spiritual growth in the realms of academia.
Tracy has been offered a nanny position and we can't be more happy with the possibilities as this position offers a few months of constant care and eventually goes to part-time. This will allow the saving of money and the beginning of her school year the following semester. She is beginning to rethink the path that she thought she was going with sonography and is now looking more at nursing or education; both of which offer degrees and not just certification.
Indeed, we are on a new path to wherever the Lord is leading us. I am sure that our spirituality will take jumps through hoops and eb and flow and little bit while in seminary as we will both learn from each other and I will learn different ideas from my academic pursuits.
I have found myself more opened minded in a larger city of people from different backgrounds, creeds, races, and what have you. This is not to say I was close minded before and I would even disgress and say it is more of an open heart and a progressive spirit. I would certainly charge anyone to live somewhere that puts him or her outside of the comfort zone of like-mindedness for a few months. It has certainly done this body and mind good. I find myself laughing and questioning the motives of former self who was more close minded and questioning the motives of those who are currently. I look toward my more southern roots and shake my head at the racism that still exists over lack of understanding and the unwillingness to budge. To think that pure hate still exists even in this age of need for a country such as Haiti that is of one race troubles me. To think that reverse racism, stereotypes, and hatred exist in this age of media exposure where there is proof that stereotypes are empty should baffle any of us. We often tell each other to tear down the four walls of institutions that do the most good in order to do such in our society. However, when we allow ourselves to only tear down the walls of our choosing, then the will of God will never be done. Oh well, some may call that Rob trying to change the world again. Of course, I will also rant that too often people are called close minded because of certain convictions on certain issues that are completely legit and I won't go into these. However, if you are calling people close minded because they don't agree with a situation that you, yourself would call yourself open-minded about, are you not close minded by not allowing them to be open about it. Abortion and the Super Bowl? Come on, regardless of opinion, was there not also a planned parenthood commercial in last year's March madness? Of course, on the other side, I was against any sort of boycotting of Disney because of a homosexual person on their networks.
We ask for your prayers in our preparation and in our decisiveness.

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